Quantum-Note : Main Navigation-Menu

Note: I believe that I have finally come up with a web-site design that I will use; however, I still need to re-code all of the web-pages on this web-site, and that is something I plan to get to in the upcoming days or weeks—or however long it takes. This will be the main Navigation-Menu Page that you shall be able to use to move through different sections of this web-site. I hope to make all of the pages uniform, but that is going to take a bit of time due to the amount of information that needs to be recovered & moved around. Some sections & articles also obviously still need to be created. I plan to add them as time & resources permit ! Thanks for your patience !

-Aéius Cercle (Web-Site Author)

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Aéius Cercle (Personal-Profile)



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Blue Creek Kennel

Dream-Host Web-Hosting

Eight-Step Preying Mantis Kung Fu


MPOW Head-Phones

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Game-Development Plans


The Testament of Truth

Messiah's Voluntary Successor