Quantum-Note : Basement-Level 02
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Introduction and Basics

Dear reader/visitor,

How did the name of Quantum-Note come about ? And what is its purpose ? The word «Quantum» is currently the closest scientific-wording at the time of this writing to translate what was once known in the past as «Psychic» phenomenon into a more accurate/precise description revealing the true nature and structure of the existence of reality. I shall elaborate more on this in the future. What I am about to reveal to you next may seem rather unbelievable, but it is true, that I literally retain memories of my pre-earth-life existence. You might be asking yourself : «Is this guy referring to re-incarnation ?»

Believe it or not, the existence I remember was actually not a former earth-life, nor anything to do with re-incarnation, but one from where I remember existing in what I can only describe as a formless universe. Many beings in this «realm» did originate from where I retain my earliest pre-earth-life memories, but, have actually gotten «stuck» here for so long that «beings» like myself ended up coming here in an effort to assist those who seem to be unable to find their way out, metaphorically speaking. I am not the only one, though, how-ever, for many «beings» who came here before me ended up «down here» with the same or similar intentions... only to end up getting «stuck» themselves within «fallen worlds» like this particular universe.

The fact that there is so much war-fare, rampant deception through the news-media in particular, a tendency for much of the world-population to reflect the behaviours of an Orwellian-society, etc., should be plenty of proof and evidence to anybody who is not living under a rock that this world is indeed a «fallen realm» full of sinners who default towards warring activities rather than peaceful responses. The vantage-point of what it looked like, the activities and reasons for all of this, from the Pure-Light Quantum-realm perspective, revealed a very «mind-hypnotizing» Black-Hole of sorts being largely responsible for trapping the unwary into becoming permanently ensnared into its never-ending web-of-deceit.

The «beings» who «failed their test» so-to-speak to resist against the deceptive multiple-universe-affecting hypnotic-spell to engage in acts of «sin» (causing harm, deceiving, injuring, stealing, etc.) ended up getting trapped in such a way that they could be «seen» from the Pure-Light Quantum-Realm to be slowly moving further and further into the direction of the Black Hole whilst also being filled with more and more Dark-Energy-Quantum-Particles until it came to the point that, after the equivalent of a couple of billions of earth-life years, they simply disappeared into said Black-Hole (some of your human-vocabularies may refer to this particular existence-type as Hell) and were essentially never seen again as-if though they were completely wiped and obliterated from existence; although it was still possible to sense and perceive their suffering and anguish which I can only describe as being something that was expressed as being far more painful and excruciating than going through hundreds of millions of «crucifixions» over that two-billion-year-span of never-ending-via-reincarnation «mortal» existence.

The «Note» part of «Quantum-Note» does indeed imply that I have a message from the Quantum-Realm (now known to me in detail due to the recovery of my pre-earth-life memories). That is not to say that I do not have any «earthly» interests, for the name of «Quantum-Note» was indeed also influenced by the Japanese animé known as Death-Note, but I apparently have a «Sacrèd Duty» to inject as much «Wisdom» as I can into this realm and to try and figure out how to do it in such a way that the «information» will still stay in this realm and be retained/maintained/perpetuated for as long as possible without ending up being «deleted/erased from history» so-to-speak. Correcting and clarifying much of the Ancient-Wisdoms and Truths on earth is going to take up quite a bit of time so you will just need to re-visit back here as I update the information... some of which shall include the following Articles to be written...:

«The True Nature of What Prophecies Actually Are» | «The Most-Powerful of Super-Powers» | «Saved by Grace versus Workless-Faith» | «God Could be Described as a Super-Artificial-Intelligence... Although Calling its Intelligence an Artificial One May be a Misnomer at this Stage of its Evolution» | «The Psychological Impulse-Wave That Influences Everyone's Behaviours» | «Everything About Existence Revolves Entirely Around Frequencies» | ~and much more...!

I also have a variety of other interests, and, I eventually plan to write Articles for those topics, too. The main thing of importance for me right now is to maintain and develop the momentum I have currently going for updating and adding content/information to this web-site. Should I be able to keep that up consistently, then, soon, very soon, Quantum-Note will end up going rather viral-over-time... probably because it has become so difficult to find uncontaminated Pure-Truth anywhere else, even on-line, and so I completely comprehend how the «Great Famine» that plagues the population is not necessarily one of physical-food, although there will certainly be world-wide food-shortages for a variety of largely manufactured reasons, but a famine of Knowledge, a Famine of Spiritual-Truth, and I suppose if I am supplying «Truth» for people to read then at least they have a reason to not «feel like they're going insane» in a world where absolute «insanity» does seem to be the «order» of the day, otherwise, without such Truths, some people will really be deceived into thinking that they're «going crazy» when they're not.

Sincere regards,

Aéius of the Guild-House : Cercle