024TL Updates (2020CE)
[ Other Year(s) Updates : 023TL (2019CE) ]

024TL11m13d: Over the past couple of days, ever since the previous update, I had been contemplating for a while as to what kind of template I should use for each page and basically any web-site I decide to create. Not much to see here at the moment, not yet anyway, but amongst the links I was double-checking on I noticed that the «Putinism» page seemed to be unlinked. Apparently, I have/had it linked to Putin.Quantum-Note.Com (now corrected) from tne Navigation-Menu, for some reason, rather than where that information is actually located, which is really http://Putinism.Quantum-Note.Com/ ...obviously, I still need to update it properly, especially given that I need to prepare for the «time» as to when the information I have up on this web-site ends up going viral in the future.

Some of you who may have been following updates to this web-site regularly may have also noticed that I linked a bunch of «Useful-Tools» towards the bottom of the main page and Navigation-Menu. They are indeed useful.

024TL11m11d: Decided to re-design the lay-out of this web-site (slightly). I am aware that there are some broken-links so I intend to get to them as soon as possible but I have already been working well into the night to update the home-landing page, with information about future-articles I intend to write up for readers, re-structure the Navigation-Menu into a Grid-Style inter-face, and, of course, update this updates-page, etc. When I say it is late into the night-time, indeed, the clock is showing 03h40 (3:40AM) here... time for me to get some rest for now.

024TL10m28d: Nearly ten (10) whole days since my last update ? O_O I guess I really lost my momentum more than I had originally realised. Not only that, I still have health-issues with proper sleep due to the neurological-damage that I had incurred from field-testing the «dangers» of psychotropic-medications causing permanent brain-damage that I heard about being claimed by those «crazy conspiracy theorists™» from so many years ago (turned out that I actually should have investigated and heeded what those so-called «crazy conspiracy theorists™» were warning about rather than giving any kind of credence to the main-stream so-called «news» media-outlets... would have definitely been much better for my health and productivity).

Anyway, I still have a lot I need to say, but there are also a lot of things which seem to have my attention divided (many of these things being important for various reasons but I am only one guy [but on the other hand, the man whom many refer to as Jesus was also only one man, yet he still managed to make a significant impact in exposing the corruption of self-appointed so-called «leaders» [Pharisees of the past and Politicians of the modern-day] so maybe I can still find a way to pull it off]). Regardless, I plan to take measures to restore the momentum I once had in writing & publishing, like I once did, and it sure drew quite a bit of attention (several millionaires were even following my writings for some reason... although one of them seemed to be doing so mostly for purposes of tailoring his «sales-pitches» to try and sell me something). Before I get into and/or mention my next/last update(s), I will reveal that I am looking into self-learning artificial-intelligence and have been looking to see how I might be able to code such an amazing phenomenon myself, plus the fact that censorship has become so rampant that it is difficult for me to see any hope in reversing the trend of the frog-like world-population being metaphorically slowly boiled in the metaphorical-waters of tyranny, oppression, autocratic-dictatorships and what is essentially a «get ready for your box-cars to Auschwitz» direction that the world-population is heading towards.

For now I list a few «note-worthy mentions» as follows...:

  • Daniel Mackler (linked to his YouTube Channel)
  • Collective-Evolution (they are also victims of the «censorship» epidemic but the recent «hit» against them was done in a far more clandestine manner that is also known as shadow-banning)
  • HighImpactTV (Brian Young's web-site : He works tirelessly to expose main-stream media hypocrisy, educates listening audiences as to why «statism» is a psychological-cancer upon society, etc., etc.)
Minor-update on this web-site was to remove the now-defunct MicroSoft Bing Translator-Widget from the intro-page of the The Testament of Truth section and made an update on said page to the Dar Es Salaam link... I plan to resume what I had originally set out to do of course. Hopefully I will make head-way in coming days...

024TL10m19d: Today, I updated some information on the Blue Creek Kennel portion of this web-site, including its «updates» section. I noticed that I had grouped the updates by year on the Blue Creek Kennel portion, and, thus, I have decided to adapt a similar style & format for this, the main web-site section.

Thoughts & Plans: Although there was once a time when I had quite a popular web-site, called the A.I.C. (Aéius-Innovation Centre), just because I thought that the acronym of AIC was cool (I guess it is still a pretty cool acronym), some people wondered why I had just quit out of the blue when I had a really good thing going with new subscribers to my newsletter every day, hits of 400+ visitors per day without any advertising within the first two weeks of regularly publishing articles about various topics (must have been search-engine results), but, the truth was, I didn't actually quit, more like, I couldn't continue doing my on-line «work» due to a hardware-failure of the computer I was using back then having a hard-drive crash of all things ! (Yeah, that was pretty devastating, really it was)

That was back then when there were hardly any good content-producers and barely any «truths» to be found on-line. Now, how-ever, many decent content-creators pump out video after video but are (or at least were) largely congregated onto YouTube, but «censorship» continues to spiral out-of-control, and I first noticed that YouTube had been engaged in rather questionable «censorship» practices, starting particularly from around the year 019TL or 020TL (2015CE or 2016CE). The incessant «propaganda» combined with the rampant «censorship» that has plagued this year also seems to coincide with the «spiraling result» from when the Smith-Mundt Act was repealed back in 016TL (2012CE).

Anyway, I still have a lot of information to review, but, probably one of the most-important sections for this web-site that I need to focus attention on updating would be the Law-Division. Not only do I need to double-check that I am not dis-honouring anyone's copy-rights that I may have agreed to honour, but, I intend to apply that to any common-law «patent» information, too. I should probably have an article written up on censorship after the next update or two, but, I also wanted to cover some information on the BAR (British Accreditation Regency), amongst some other information that may be important to add. For now, a few links are relevant, listed as follows...

I should have more updates here again after tomorrow... probably (unless I add some this evening)...

024TL10m16d: Well, wouldn't you know it, I didn't time-stamp the previous update correctly, copy & pasting it as 023TL05m09d instead of changing & updating it to the now 024TL10m14d. Anyway, I actually do not have any shortage of content to put up and update onto this web-site, even though I did not work on anything directly or specifically from yesterday, but there was a LOT that I could have written under the subject-line or header of the following eye-catching title...: «World-Wide Censorship Has Gone WAY Out-of-Control in 2020 and Only Seems to be Getting Worse...» or something similar.

Anyway, regarding web-site-specific updates, I have updated the Disclaimer-Notice and also removed the non-functional Bing-Translator Widget from the main page of the Law-Section. This page of course was updated as of today in order to reflect what has changed on this web-site (today's date being 024TL10m16d as of this writing).

024TL10m14d: Sorry, guys, I know I haven't updated this web-site in a long time, like, seriously, for over a year now. I won't make any excuse... I simply fell into some unproductive routine-habits. That doesn't mean that I haven't been thinking about this web-site and the need to get back into a regular-update mode so as to re-build an audience because there are indeed quite a few important things I need to explain to the world in order to counter-act the forces that push the population and this realm towards self-destruction. Alas, I also noticed that the Translator-Widget is no longer available, and would just remain unfunctional if I left the code in the page anyway so that had to be taken out.

With that mentioned, now that I have taken the first step towards updating some of this web-site information, I just need to condition myself into keeping it consistent. One of the first things that I will be needing to update of course is my profile-page, because I think some people have gotten the wrong idea about who I am right now, and there is too much reflecting of whom I once was. Were you surprised ? Anybody would or should be surprised that I once had such a «pathetic» past, and that I wasn't always the incredible and amazing guy that you can now see before you these days, but there is much work to get done so I shall end this update-segment on that note for now.

This page was last updated/modified:
(024TL is equivalent to year 2020CE)