Open-Response : Target-Importance
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Re : Target-Importance

Different forms of «Evidence» exists, and, eye-witness reports and accounts are most-certainly accepted as evidence in the court-systems; for that matter, the more witnesses that report and describe the same thing, regardless if it would be deemed «anecdotal» by «science» standards, the more it is accepted as evidence that is deemed to prove a case brought forth in the court-systems.

I must ask though...:
Have you examined all of the evidence of every account of any NDE that anybody ever had ?
How about the whole entire 12000 pages (typed) transcripts of the Myers' Cross-Correspondences ?
How about every case of Hypnotic-Regression that resulted in descriptions of Past-Lives-Memories ?
For those of us who are familiar with such research, and, especially given my access to pre-this-universe-memories, they are simply obvious truths that I take for granted like the sun rising tomorrow.

Remote-Viewing being accepted by the Main-Stream is not going to happen very easily, especially considering how Para-Psychology has been muddled with much controversy, and, rejection, despite its protocols literally being the most-stringent in all of existing sciences, but, sometimes the work gets accepted, much to the dismay of the scientism-dogmatists as can be read about in an article titled : «How The Skeptics Lost Their Minds Over a Pre-Cognition Experiment»

Also, how to get Remote-Viewing accepted into the Main-Stream is already known which is to remove the gate-keepers of information, and, simply make Truth become Main-Stream; this doesn't require Remote-Viewing to figure out. Also, this sort of thing requires co-operation and co-ordination and allies towards such an objective, considering that you are literally going up against billionaires and trillionaires and/or those who control a great deal of wealth & resources, who use said power-and-control, for purposes of controlling you, and, everyone else, amongst which one of the main methods is information-control; one potential-ally to this cause who is influential would be someone like Patrick Bet-David of Valuetainment (self-made multi-millionaire entrepreneur from Iran who actually cares about America and its people).

I was also planning on clarifying what I wrote earlier in regards to the beings whose response(s) were along the lines of saying : «They have done it (caused suffering) unto others before so they deserve to made to experience the same (i.e. : be punished with the same experiences they have inflicted upon others)» (this is the fuller-context of what was communicated), and, responding here seems to be a good opportunity to describe levels-of-perception and ultimately levels-of-acceptance and/or rejection.

Now, here is where things become difficult for me to prove since your ability to believe (and even perceive) is literally limited by levels-of-consciousness, but, you would have all of the proof-in-the-world (well, universes, or, perhaps, I should say, inter-universes) that you'd need if you existed there for yourself, and, I must but warn everybody that, when it comes to the Darkness-Energy, IT has such an extremely great deceptive capacity so as to be able to deceive whole entire universes of populations, literally keeping everybody trapped in an endless mire of Prison-Systems; some people have this idea that this Earth is a Prison-System, and it does happen to be one, but, this whole entire Universe in of itself is also a Prison-System, existing within that Dark-Dot that I described earlier, and, this very Universe itself is naught but a Grain-of-Sand in Comparison to the Pure-Realm; unfortunately, unless you are sin-free as defined by the Messiah himself (not by the distorted religious-definitions), your thoughts will be interpolated with deceptions about the nature of reality.

Anyway, back to when I was communicating to those Darkness-Contaminated Beings that their intent to physically destroy another group was not only going to only be a temporary solution (because of the apparent karma-system that exists everywhere even though «karma» was not part of my vocabulary back then), that would simply return to them in the future unless they stopped doing it to the others, I was also able to perceive their perceptions as to how they viewed reality and existence, and, apparently, they literally believed that nothing existed out-side of their physical-universe.

Here is where and how I would describe my perceptions as to what was going on during then, when I was in my non-physical ISBE non-form, and, I suppose it could be described as levels or what I like to metaphorically refer to as layers-of-existence, similar to a ream of papers, but, rather than going through all thousand or even hundreds or even dozens of them, let us just use an example of five layers-of-existence (and thus layers-of-perception) for now.

They could be depicted as follows...:
[Layer/Level +02 : A non-physical-realm where all of the below layers/levels are perceivable]
[Layer/Level +01 : A lower non-physical-realm that cannot see/perceive the above-level/layer]
[Layer/Level ±00 : The physical-realm, this one, for illustration-purposes, unable to see above/below]
[Layer/Level -01 : A dark non-physical-realm that can only perceive its own and layer/level 00]
[Layer/Level -02 : Yet another darker-realm that has influence over layer/level -01 and sometimes even 00]

I was at the vantage-point of L02, communicating to L01 Beings who were aware of my existence/presence, but, for some reason, did not seem to believe that there was even such a thing as a Layer/Level +02 Existence, insisting that nothing existed out-side of the Level 00 Existence/Universe, and, were quite hostile in their expressions towards my information (not towards me, specifically, just the information about anything that may have freed them from their mental-prisons was where they directed their hostile-expressions).

The L01 Beings had influence/mind-control over L00 Mortals. -01 and -02 existences could probably be described as lower-levels-of-consciousness, such that, -01 Beings who influence or even potentially mind-control L00 Mortals are not necessarily even aware that they are «Neural-Linking» others in that Layer/Level of Existence, but, for -01 Beings who are consciously aware that they are Neural-Linking and controlling Mortals in L00, they are typically apparently unawares that they, too, are also being similarly Neural-Linked from Beings that are from layer/level -02, with any beings above/below L00 being invisible to the L00 beings/mortals.

How then can L02 be proven to exist to beings of L01 ? It can't because the beings of L01 do not acknowledge nor accept the fact that anything exists beyond L00 (L01 some-how still being within the «confines» of L00, just in its non-physical-form, rather than a physical one). How-ever, its existence is certainly most-prove-able and self-evident to beings of L02 and above, but, cannot really be proven to beings of L00-Consciousness.

And, herein lies another problem, and, that would be cases where someone has explored what is essentially «unmapped» territory (metaphorically), regarding existence, even though the individual has both the knowledge and personal-experience of having both witnessed and experienced said unmapped existence-territory, but, nobody else has ever gone there before; for the one who has actually seen/witnessed/experience the phenomena for themselves, its proof-of-existence is a given, but, for those who only have experiences or knowledge of already well-treaded maps, they simply cannot and would not be able to «fathom» the idea of anything that exists beyond what has already been mapped out.

How much research have you actually done on the subject of para-psychology ?
Making Type I Errors may certainly indeed be irresponsible, but, the same can be said of Type II Errors.
The Beings of L00 most-certainly make the Type II Errors in regards to the existence of Levels +01 and +02 and -01 and -02 (and beyond), but, this is both intentional, and, rigged, for the sake and purpose of deceiving you into believing that there are NO «consequences» for your acts of war, negative-expressions upon others, complicities to iniquities, etc.; you are free to choose to believe what you want to believe, but, I can tell you for a fact that «Cause-and-Effect» (Karma) is real, and, that is just how «man» at L00 is, for they say : «Prove who you are before I will follow your Shining Star...» (and other such varations like... : Prove what you claim or show me evidence before I will believe the Divine-Warning that I must be Peaceful)

Whilst it may seem «Absurd» to many of you, that I am constantly referring to the very «Messiah» himself, I already HAVE the «Proof» of knowing that he is who he says he is, because, upon examining all (near-all) of his writings, and, even having exchanged e-mail correspondences with him in the past, I can state quite categorically that there is absolutely NO way that he would know so much of all of the things that he had written without access to the same types of pre-earth-life memories that I also possess/recovered; additionally, a lot of evidence obtained in the research-field of para-psychology is able to back up much of his claims, but, his writings/descriptions have also revealed deeper-level truths that would otherwise be absolutely inaccessible to others of realm like this one. And, finally, certain things really can only be «taken on faith» by those of L00 or below (or, perhaps in my examples above, L01 and below), due to their literal inaccessibility to be able to perceive anything beyond their physical-boundaries, for, they are like those with eyes to see, but, cannot see, and, ears to hear, but, cannot hear, and why is this so ? Remote-Viewers have already described a «Dark-Mist» that «Neural-Links» (Spirit-Possesses or Mind-Controls) the Reptilians, how-ever, Remote-Viewers have had a lot of difficulty «Probing» as to why it does what it does, but, just as I had already linked earlier, the actual answers and reasons as to WHY it does what IT does was already written by the hand/pen/ke-board/type-writer of the very Messiah himself, that I will re-link below this paragraph, followed by an embedding of a video of The Last Hour Interview...

The Secret of the Darkness-Mist-Energy...