Note: Targeted Obtained From
Session-Sketch as Follows...

Assigned Target : 4192-8842
Tasker : Manuel
Remote-Viewer : Aéius Cercle
Additional-Detail/s : This session was done whilst wearing head-phones playing the following sound-frequency in an attempt to try to move the mind into a Theta-Wave Mind-State, and, what should also be noted is that this was only a one-pass attempt, and, only for a few minutes in an attempt to submit at least something, without making everybody wait too long for the submission.

Focus-One : The upper-portion is my perception of Focus-One; the small dark-circle was my perception of some sort of dark sphere-shaped darkness (high-level Deduction : Black-Hole). How-ever, upon more perceiving, the size of the dark sphere-shaped energetics seemed to be much larger than I had initially perceived, thus, a larger size was drawn with lines going NE & SW (didn't bother to perceive any further upwards as the view seemed to be obstructed from which-ever vantage-point that I was perceiving). This gave me another perception that perhaps the spherical-energetics got larger-over-time in some sort of a time-lapse or in the future.

The round-shaped structure to the left seemed to give me the impression of some sort of planet (high-level deduction). In an attempt to keep the data low-level, the structure could probably be described as natural (rather than man-made), spherical in shape, surrounded by mist-like-natural-phenomena (high-level deduction : clouds). Although I didn't colour it in all black, this view/vision gave me the impression of being in outer-space (high-level deduction), but, for low-level description, perhaps it could be called a large, dark space; the little squiggly things were my high-level deduction of stars, but, for low-level description, perhaps those various points of potential-energetics that my conscious-mind perceived as stars could be said to be specks of energetics amongst some large space of darkness, possibly something like looking at your own black-coloured blinds while the sun is bright & various spots all over have kind of like a sparkly view through the fabric.

Focus-Two : I wasn't sure what focus-two was, but, what was catching my attention was that the lower-portion of Focus-One seemed to be something that I was seemingly ignoring, not thinking that I would be able to see anything above Focus-One, so I shifted my attention down towards the lower-right-ish area of Focus-One, resulting in a perception of some sort of man-made box-like-shaped structure, with further flat-protrutions out to both sides of said box-shaped structure; for a moment, I had a high-level deduction of maybe some sort of satellite, but, wanting to get more information about what this was, I continued to perceive details which revealed four cylinder-shaped structures on the upper-portion of the box-structure. They were perceived as different colours, marked as going from pink to yellow to blue to black, not solidly of each colour, but, more like each named colour with dark out-lines; this gave me another high-level deduction of being something like the ink-cartridges of a colour-printer.

And that was what I was able to muster together in the few minutes of perception-attempts at this target after a short amount of meditation prior to this attempt.

This page was first created on 028TL11m17d (17th November 2024CE) & last-updated on 029TL01m07d (07th January 2025CE)