Target: 7824-3245 Viewer: AĆ©ius Cercle Tasker: Manuel (FSP Forum-Version) PS: Semi-Sleepish ES: OK/Calm AP: Reset (Possible Front-Loading From Other Target-Reveal) Start-Time: 19h28 Mountain Time-Ended: 20h54 Mountain Perceptions were written down as follows... Subject-A: Male, Man. Political, Conflict, Police-Like, Armoured Vehicle, Vacation-Time. Neighbourhood-Environment, Day-Time, Surrounded by Trees. Parachute, Goggles, Arrival, Reinforcements. Military-Like. Driving; one vehicle. Flare (Readied but not necessarily used). Knife, armed, yelling, shouting orders. Surrounding a house ? Dead Bodies: Two Death-Duration: 2 Weeks Investigation Cause of Deaths: Murder Murder-Methods: Strangulation, Choking, Throat-Slitting. Deceased Subjects' Relationship: Married Couple. Appearance of Dead Man: Arab/Muslim-Like Appearance of Dead Woman: Blonde, Blue-Eyed, Beautiful. Murder-Motive: Religious, Jealousy, Spirit-Possession. Murderers: Group-Operation. Made to look like lone-murderer; covering of tracks to avoid leading to evidence of murderers. Hooded murderers, suburb-like surroundings (America-like). No necrophilia-activities detected, but, the desire for it did exist in at least some of the men involved, inhibited by their religious-beliefs. A total of four men seemed to have been involved with the murders of Subjects X.A and X.B. Murder-appearances as re-identified are called Subjects: C, D, E, F. Page Two: Subject C Blond-Haired. Slight facial-hair. Medium-Build but lanky & stocky. Leader of Group. No detected ties to government. Was involved in a relationship with Subject X.B in the past. Relatively short-haired, slightly unkept-appearance. Smoker. Also drinks alcohol. Has done drugs in past but not currently. Thick clothing, suitable for winter. Seems to hide out amongst trees in a forest; Almost like some sort of Bandit-Camp; tents & surrounding camouflage. Construction-tools & construction-vehicles also present around camp/hide-out. Armed. Can be dangerous. Prone to spirit-possession. Possessing spirits seem to be religious in a fanatical-sense. Religious-beliefs influenced & prompted murder-plans & operations. This particular operation seemed to be years in the making; much stalking occurred clandestinely. Some of the spirits also seemed to have been involved with relationships with Subject X.B in past-lives. This group of spirit-beings are linked & tuned into Subject C due to some sort of Resonance-Effect which took place during past-use of drugs & alcohol. Page Three: Subject D Arab-Type Man. Close friend with Subject C. Came from over-seas. Friends since child-hood. Has history of helping Subject C to commit various other crimes in the past. Light-skinned. Also a smoker. The whole group seem to be buddies. Also seems to have similar spirit-possession phenomenon affecting him which started during past long-term use of Ouija-Board. Creeps out the other members of the group but he still makes active-use of said Ouija-Board; Has addiction to Ouija-Board use due to the spirits that influence his mind; They provide accurate-information to him which Subject C uses for planning & carrying out their operations. Sensed that the spirits noticed me & did not want me to continue with this Remote-Viewing Session but I ignored them & placed an Anti-Detection Barrier around myself in order to still be able to continue this session. They seemed to be rather confused when I seemed to suddenly just vanish (disappear into thin-air) like I popped out of existence. They are now a bit frightened and concerned by this as they now feel like some spirit-police are now onto them & investigating. Page Four: Subject E Chubbiest of the group. Friends with all of them ever since they were young. Doesn't necessarily like what they do or what they keep doing but they feed him good and take care of their boy and even pay for his brothel-visits as a reward so he can't really refuse due to how he's largely always been rejected by women all his life. I kind of feel sorry for this guy. For as much as the group are friends, most of the others mostly view him as being something of a useful-tool, but, they also still want him to be happy. Subject E knows how to cook and does most of the cooking & food-preparations for them. Mixed Asian-White Heritage. Mostly looks white/Caucasian. Dark-haired & short-haired. Mostly enjoys steaks & fish & certain kinds of Chinese-cuisine. Speaks Korean. Not a significant-member of the group in terms of decision-making but provides support for them, including having access to financial-assistance from family ties, even though they are not entirely aware of what he does with the $$$. Able to fight if/when necessary but mostly with wrestling moves. Page Five: Subject F The biggest & tallest & most-muscular of the group. Black guy. Quiet-type. Former military training. The racial-diversity makes me believe that these guys operate in America. Extremely adept at fighting & killing. Was part of an assassin-division when in a Marines-Type Military Branch. Highly skilled. Very highly well-versed in military & terrorism & counter-terrorism tactics. This guy seems to be another key lynch-pin as to why these men have been able to do what they do for so long without being detected or getting caught. Gets adrenaline-rush from their operations. Seems to really love killing people. Knows how to both assemble as well as disable/diffuse bombs/explosives. Capable of fighting against dozens of men simultaneously and easily and successfully killing them all even if they were all well-trained police-men. Also has an absolute-hatred of police. His skills & knowledge & military experience are what help this group survive out in the wild and apparently also evade both satellite & surveillance-detection. [What the hell is this guy even real!? O_O] Very knowledgeable about technology & tactics. Around 7-foot tall. Also seems to possess strong psychic-abilities. I re-cloaked myself before trying to probe that due to sensing that I was detected.