Quantum-Note : Scientific Remote-Viewing

Explanation, purpose, and, intended functionality of this web-page : This web-page has been created as an initial follow-up to a forum-post on FarSightPrime related to Target-Practice. I described something about users being able to upload stuff to this web-site, but, I do not yet have enough coding skills to be able to set it up as an automated process, although, I might be able to figure out how to do that... eventually ! What I do currently have the ability to do is to create FTP-Users who would be able to upload files, but, users would still need to know how to use FTP, and, even then, I would still prefer that they know something about coding in HTML, which might or even probably goes beyond the scope of how most people would be able to interact with a web-page.

For now, I have set-up a «Random-Number-Generator» that out-puts a total of sixteen (16) hexa-decimal numbers, separated by hyphens into a four-part-sequence. You can find the button below in the next table-cell which will generate hexa-decimals at random when pressed (and it is always the number 0 and never the lettre O in hexa-decimal since the only lettres that are generated are between A and F). I had some ideas for designing this page in a way where targets could or would be assigned, via the RNG, with some way of tracking things, but, the details aren't clear to me at the moment (I probably need to go back to sleep for a bit to re-recover that great idea about how to go about this that I had).

Unlike the typical «####-####» format of pure-numeric-integer-numbers, I preferred to use the format of «####-####-####-####» with hexa-decimals just because the «####-####» format of integers seems to me like there is a potential for duplicate-numbers to eventually result, and, thus, you will see what I mean when you press the button below to randomly generate a hexa-decimal sequence. Feel free to make use of this RNG, for now, you don't necessarily need to use the whole entire sequence as your Target I.D. of course, but, the whole entire sequence should just about near-guarantee that the same sequence never gets generated into two different targets (although, I suppose, now that I think about this, keeping Target-Numbers from being repeated can probably already be done by keeping track of what has been used in a spread-sheet and simply checking for any already used or duplicate-numbers).